Based halfway between Talamanca (Barcelona) and Brussels, Groupe Pluton is the artistic project that hosts the work of Anna Calsina Forrellad and Quentin Manfroy. Through movement and sound, they compose and choreograph performances that inquires the way we inhabit our bodies, our presence, the limits of our gestuallity and what may escape us.
Puppy gathering with glee (2015)
Invitacion to.. (2017)
Bright Days (collectif creation with Manah Depauw, Nathan Jardin, Jan Maertens, 2019)
Mortuos plango, vivos voco (2023)
Coda (2024)

When we cast a glance at some picture featured by young animals playing together, like kittens having fun with a ball of wool, or a duck and a puppy gathering with glee, one dramatic detail may struck our eyes.
It is very likely that one of the playful pet (if not both!) is in fact stuffed with straw and is not part of the living anymore.
If we assume that soul exist, what is the place where the child-pet's spirit goes to play for eternity. Objectif Pluton is an attempt to find that place.
By and with: Benoit Armange, Anna Calsina Forrellad, Quentin Manfroy, Alexandre Rodembourg

C'est effrayant ce qu'on en a des choses et des gens qui ne bougent plus dans son passé. Les vivants qu'on égare dans les cryptes du temps dorment si bien avec les morts qu'une même ombre les confond déjà.
Louis-Ferdinand Céline
Performance:Anna Calsina Forrellad
Music: Quentin Manfroy
At the dawn of time, there are two naked bodies in a place without line or limit. A Power seizes them. It is in their nature to play, so they play, just as they please, with a brutal joy that contorts faces and disarticulates bodies.
Innocent brutes, they dance little dances.
There is neither fear, nor shame, nor sin.
Their nudity is absolute: what would they have to hide?
And from whom?
It is their very being that is naked. Playing with Grace they sacrifice it, dress in it, undress, reconquer it.
And yet Grace cannot be gained or lost. But that, how could they know?
By and with: Anna Calsina Forrellad, Manah Depauw, Caroline Godart, Nathan Jardin/ Eduard Turull Montells, Jan Maertens/ Fudetani Ryoya, Quentin Manfroy
Research: Benoit Armange
Co-production: Kunstencentrum BUDA, workspacebrussels, Kunstencentrum Nona

The coda is like a photo album, it is not exhaustive, not everything is recalled.
It is a twilight place, peaceful and bubbling.
The coda shows the multiple.
It is a look back.
It is the place of memory.
It is what remains.
We love codas.
Performance:Anna Calsina Forrellad
Music: Quentin Manfroy